Hi Im Nat mom to two children and 2 horses, having spent 15 years working with horses in all sorts of environments and never feeding a supplement, I found myself not working with horses instead I was a mom to a beautiful boy and now I have a beautiful girl 2 and a horse owner with a horse that came with a bucket load of supplements, wanting to learn more I went off and did some research and got a job working for Equus health, that's another story. It was from this that I started to sell the products and share my knowledge in an easy-to-understand way, taking away the frustration of having to remember to order the supplements too.
Being on my own with the horses there were days I struggled with motivation and missed the community feel of the yard, not wanting anyone else to feel like this I developed the Never Run Out Club, drawing on my experience and knowledge as a UKCC L2 coach.
My favourite clients to teach were adults and children just starting their horse journey and sharing my care knowledge too, its from this that the kids club was developed.